22 April 2011

inside, outside, upside down

i love spring.
i love spending all day out in the gardens.
getting the flower beds ready,
planning what to plant in the vegetable gardens.

then the inside suffers.
and other things get put on the back burner.
i just can't help it.
i am so drawn to long days in my gardens.

inside, outside, upside down...cest la vie!

the last few years i simply had chicken wire around my beds to keep the rabbits out.
but this year my early spring project was to build a fence to keep our black lab puppy out.

i cranked it out in a weekend.
not bad for never building a fence before.
shear determination to not have my garden dug up by our lab
is what got me to get it done so quickly.

i'll show some more garden photos next week.
enjoy the Easter weekend and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Kathi - so good to catch up with via your blog. I have always loved reading it. Looks like you started another business. Great job from what I can see/read :-) The boys are growing up fast...so good to see u guys doing well.

  2. Me too ! My inside is suffering badly... but the garden is looking great. I have planted 150 new plants this year! Love this time of year. I love your fence too.

  3. LOVE IT! I am envious of your garden and love the fence. My mom and I are heading out this morning to get some plants in the ground and hopefully get ours up and growing. Happy Growing!


thanks for your visit and for taking the time to leave a comment. know that you have made my day! ;)