24 September 2009

small signs of fall

the weather is feeling cooler and i am seeing small signs of fall every where. while at the market today i picked up a couple of small pumpkins. with the basement remodel underway and all my decorations packed away, this might count as my halloween decor. but i really doubt i can for-go the witches, bats, skeletons and other fun decorations i have collected over the years. not mention the boys love when i make the house look all spooky.

i also picked up some pears today. they look simple in a white bowl and in a few days will be so yummy as a healthy snack.

i am having my family over for dinner tonight so i baked up this homemade apple pie. i also have a big pot of chili simmering on the stove. wow, does my house smell yummy!
i love the sights and smells of fall....bring it on!

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