02 April 2010

cookies and questions

i was not going to make easter cookies.
but it is cloudy and stormy here today and well...i love to bake when it is raining.
i will deliver most of these to the neighbors because when i have cookies around i eat them.  and i am really trying to be good these days.

while decorating the eggs and rabbit cookies M, my seven year old, comes into the kitchen and surveys what i am doing.  then he simply says "why is it an easter bunny that brings the eggs?  don't you think it should be an easter chicken?  afterall it's the chickens that lay the eggs."  
sometimes being the mommy is hard....i had no answer to his question and just said "do you want a cookie?"
and then there is C, my 3 year old, who doesn't care anything about bunnies, eggs or chickens. 
he just loves his mommy's cookies!

easter blessings to all of you!

hello to my new followers this week and thanks to everyone that has left comments lately...i love reading them!

oh, and if YOU know why its an easter bunny instead of an easter chicken....please leave your answer in my comments.  thanks!  ;)

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